Société du Grand ParisAn urban mediation system intended to assess and control noise pollution on construction sites.
An urban mediation system intended to assess and control noise pollution on construction sites.
No less than 300 civil engineering projects will be engaged by 2030 to build the Grand Paris Express. Controlling the nuisances generated (noise, vibrations, dust, etc.) is a major issue for the Société du Grand Paris, which has decided to make the safety and information of those living near the sites a key concern. Regularly, it experiments with concrete solutions to minimize the inconvenience caused and offer residents a better knowledge of the life of the site and in particular to provide information on noise pollution.
It is in this context that the first two Acousticks mast were installed for a period of 6 months near the Bagneux Robespierre site.
This new visual device for measuring and displaying noise offers to site workers and residents, an instant, simple and transparent view of the level of noise pollution detected at its location.Using sensors, it displays the level of nuisance by animating a light bar and provides two pieces of information: real time and the average noise level recorded over the last ten minutes.
This project driven by the innovation of the Société du Grand Paris was designed and produced by the Atelier GH / Technilum / Bruitparif consortium.
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Atelier GH
Design conception / project management
Sensor / back-office / remote management
Construction of the mast