VichyThe V Lab Vichy is an ephemeral and modular brandspace (depending on countries and budgets) in which visitors are invited to take an initiatory and sensory journey to the heart of the Vichy brand.
The V Lab Vichy is an ephemeral and modular brandspace (depending on countries and budgets) in which visitors are invited to take an initiatory and sensory journey to the heart of the Vichy brand. It is composed like a “scenario space” which goes from seduction to immersion via emotion, from playfulness to scientific via conviction.
At the end of this journey, the guest must be convinced that the Vichy brand and its products are effective, safe and the result of in-depth research; to have, for those who already knew Vichy, the feeling of rediscovering this brand in a new light, to have the irresistible desire to use and recommend the brand and its products; feeling privileged and happy to have had an original, strong and memorable experience.
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Design & scenography
Project Managment
Laurence Lepetit